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HomeEntertainmentMeghan Trainor Soundtracks The Perfect Couple's Catchy Dance Sequence

Meghan Trainor Soundtracks The Perfect Couple’s Catchy Dance Sequence

Television has evolved over the years, with many shows forgoing the classic opening sequences that used to introduce the cast and theme songs that stuck in our heads. However, Netflix’s The Perfect Couple has bucked this trend, offering viewers a delightfully playful and memorable opening title sequence. At the heart of it all is Meghan Trainor’s infectious song, “Criminals,” which serves as the backdrop to a quirky and fun dance number performed by the cast. Let’s dive into how this iconic sequence came together and why it’s resonating with viewers.

The Revival of the TV Theme Song

In today’s streaming-dominated world, theme songs are becoming increasingly rare. Most shows opt for a brief title card or skip the intro altogether. But The Perfect Couple brings back the joy of a fully fleshed-out theme sequence. Executive producer Gail Berman, who also worked on Netflix’s Wednesday, knew that a memorable opening could set the tone for the show. The choice of Meghan Trainor’s “Criminals” was key to making this happen.

Meghan Trainor’s “Criminals” – The Perfect Match for a Playful Murder Mystery

“Criminals,” from the deluxe edition of Trainor’s 2024 album Timeless, couldn’t have been a more fitting choice for the theme song. The song’s playful lyrics, like “Anything that feels this good, well, it must be illegal,” reflect the mischievous and lighthearted tone of The Perfect Couple. Although the show revolves around a murder mystery, the dance sequence paired with Trainor’s catchy tune adds a layer of fun and whimsy, making it clear that this series is more about entertainment than heavy thrills.

The Origins of the Dance Number

Originally, the dance number featuring “Criminals” was meant for the fifth episode, designed as a “nightmare” sequence. However, due to logistical issues, the creative team pivoted and moved it to the opening credits. The switch couldn’t have been more perfect, as the sequence now sets the playful, unpredictable tone right from the start of every episode.

Gail Berman’s Vision for the Sequence

Gail Berman, who’s no stranger to viral dance sequences thanks to her work on Wednesday, envisioned an opening that would stand out from typical murder mysteries. She wanted to convey that The Perfect Couple was a different breed of thriller — one that combines suspense with humor and lightheartedness. By including a dance number to Trainor’s upbeat tune, Berman achieved her goal of setting the stage for a fun and engaging murder mystery.

Behind the Scenes – Bringing the Sequence to Life

Creating an iconic opening sequence isn’t just about picking the right song — it’s about getting the choreography, the mood, and the cast’s energy just right. Showrunner Jenna Lamia and director Susanne Bier worked closely to craft a dance number that perfectly captured the show’s spirit.

Jenna Lamia’s Insights on the Dance Concept

Jenna Lamia explained in an interview with Tudum that the idea was to ensure the audience knew this wasn’t a typical thriller. The sequence, with the entire cast playfully dancing to Trainor’s infectious track, sends the message loud and clear: The Perfect Couple is a thrilling murder mystery, but it’s also meant to be fun. The dance number instantly lightens the mood and invites the audience to enjoy the ride.

The Cast’s Experience – Fun on Set

For Meghan Trainor Fahy, who plays Merritt Monaco, the dance sequence was one of the most exciting parts of the show. According to Fahy, the cast was nervous about performing the dance at first, but they ended up having a blast. That joy and excitement are palpable on screen, and it’s easy to see that the cast genuinely had fun bringing the sequence to life.

Why the Dance Sequence Stands Out

In a sea of TV shows with quick intros or no intros at all, The Perfect Couple’s opening stands out as a memorable, energetic start to each episode. For many viewers, the sequence is a delightful surprise — an upbeat, choreographed dance paired with an addictive pop song in a murder mystery isn’t something you see every day.

The Song That Stays With You

The first time you hear “Criminals,” it might catch you off guard, especially in a show of this genre. But by the end of the series, you’ll likely find yourself humming the song. The playful tone of the song, combined with the energetic dance number, sticks with you long after the credits roll.

The Evolution of “Criminals”

Interestingly, “Criminals” wasn’t a new creation for The Perfect Couple. Meghan Trainor originally wrote the song for her 2018 album Treat Myself, but it didn’t make the final cut. It wasn’t until the 2024 deluxe edition of Timeless that the song was officially released. Fans of Meghan Trainor had been waiting for this track for years, and its debut in The Perfect Couple only added to its charm.

The Role of Music in Setting the Tone

Music has always played a crucial role in shaping the tone of TV shows and movies. In The Perfect Couple, Meghan Trainor “Criminals” not only complements the show’s themes but also enhances the viewing experience by injecting humor and lightness into a murder mystery.

A Contrast to Typical Thrillers

Most murder mysteries are dark and brooding, with intense scores to match. But The Perfect Couple flips the script, opting for a pop anthem that injects a sense of fun into the narrative. This choice sets the series apart from more serious thrillers like The Undoing.

Meghan Trainor’s Involvement in the Project

While “Criminals” wasn’t specifically written for The Perfect Couple, Trainor’s involvement in the project has garnered significant attention. Her distinct sound and songwriting ability have made the song a perfect fit for the show.

How “Criminals” Reflects Meghan Trainor Style

Meghan Trainor is known for her catchy, feel-good pop anthems, and “Criminals” is no exception. The song’s lyrics, playfully nodding to themes of guilt and pleasure, perfectly encapsulate Trainor’s signature sound — upbeat, cheeky, and always fun.

Read More: The Perfect Couple Review: Plot Holes & Unfulfilling Ending

The Perfect Combination – Dance, Music, and Murder

The dance number in The Perfect Couple serves as a perfect example of how different elements — music, choreography, and narrative — can come together to create something memorable. By pairing a murder mystery with a catchy pop song and a quirky dance sequence, the show subverts expectations and offers viewers something fresh and engaging.

Why We Love the Unexpected

There’s something inherently enjoyable about being surprised, and The Perfect Couple delivers on that front. The opening dance sequence, backed by Meghan Trainor’s “Criminals,” is unexpected in the best way possible, adding a layer of intrigue and fun that keeps audiences hooked.

Conclusion: A Memorable Start to a Binge-Worthy Series

Netflix’s The Perfect Couple may be a murder mystery, but its playful tone sets it apart from the genre’s usual fare. The dance sequence, featuring Meghan Trainor’s “Criminals,” is a testament to the power of music and choreography in storytelling. It’s a reminder that sometimes, breaking the rules — like combining a pop song with a thriller — can lead to something truly memorable.


1. What song plays during The Perfect Couple‘s opening credits?

The song is “Criminals” by Meghan Trainor, from the deluxe edition of her 2024 album Timeless.

2. Was the dance number always intended to be in the opening credits?

No, it was originally planned for the fifth episode but later moved to the opening sequence due to logistical reasons.

3. How does “Criminals” fit the tone of The Perfect Couple?

The playful and catchy nature of “Criminals” perfectly complements the show’s fun, lighthearted twist on the murder mystery genre.

4. Did Meghan Trainor write “Criminals” specifically for the show?

No, “Criminals” was written years earlier but was not released until the deluxe version of Trainor’s 2024 album Timeless.

5. Why is the opening dance sequence so memorable?

The unexpected combination of a murder mystery with a choreographed dance sequence to a catchy pop song makes it stand out in a unique and fun way.




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