Scarlett Johansson accused OpenAI  of using a voice similar to hers in  their ChatGPT system without  her permission.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman had previously offered Johansson the role of voicing ChatGPT 4.0, which she declined.

Johansson turned down the offer despite Altman believing her voice would be comforting to people.

Johansson noticed that the "Sky" system's voice sounded like hers, as  did her friends, family, and the  public.

Altman hinted at the intentional  similarity by tweeting "her,"  referencing Johansson's role in  the film "Her."

Altman contacted Johansson's agent  to reconsider the offer, but the  system was released before  they could connect.

Johansson hired legal counsel and  her lawyers sent letters to OpenAI, demanding the removal of the  "Sky" voice.

OpenAI agreed to remove the "Sky"  voice, stating they do not  intentionally mimic celebrities.

OpenAI stated the "Sky" voice belonged  to a different professional actress  and not Johansson.

Johansson calls for laws to protect against deepfakes and misuse of likenesses. 

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