AI Voice Theft Lawsuit: Creatives Fight Back

Imagine lending your voice for a project only to find it being used years later without your consent. This is exactly what happened to voice actors Paul Skye Lehrman and Linnea Sage. Their voices were allegedly used by AI firm Lovo without proper authorization, leading them to file a lawsuit. This article delves into the intricacies of this legal battle, shedding light on the broader implications for the creative industry.

The Initial Job Offer

Paul Skye Lehrman’s Experience

In May 2020, Lehrman received a voice-over job offer on Fiverr from an account named “User25199087.” He was informed that his voice samples would be used solely for academic research and nothing else. Lehrman was paid $1,200 for his services.

Linnea Sage’s Encounter

Similarly, in 2019, Sage was contacted on Fiverr for producing “test scripts for radio ads.” She was assured that these recordings would not be disclosed externally and was paid $400.

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The Shocking Discoveries

Lehrman’s Discovery

Two years later, Lehrman stumbled upon a YouTube video that seemed to feature his voice, even though he had never recorded it. This unsettling discovery was followed by hearing his voice on a podcast discussing the dangers of AI voice technologies.

Sage’s Realization

Sage also discovered her voice being used without her consent in a YouTube video demonstrating Lovo’s technology to investors.

The Lawsuit Against Lovo

AI Voice
AI Voice

Allegations and Claims

Lehrman and Sage have filed a lawsuit against Lovo, accusing the company of using their voices under false pretenses to create AI-generated versions. They claim that Lovo misrepresented the purpose of the voice samples and used them to develop and sell AI voice products.

Class Action Status

The lawsuit seeks class action status to include others who might have been similarly affected. The plaintiffs are demanding over $5 million in damages and a court order to prevent Lovo from continuing the alleged misuse of their voices.

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Intellectual Property Concerns

This case raises significant concerns about intellectual property rights in the era of AI voice. Voice actors’ work, like any other creative endeavor, is protected under copyright laws. Unauthorized use of their voices can be considered theft of service and misappropriation.

Ethical Considerations

The ethical implications are equally concerning. If companies can use AI voice to replicate voices without proper consent, it undermines the integrity of creative professions. This case highlights the need for stricter regulations and ethical standards in the AI Voice industry.

The Broader Impact on Creatives

Writers and Artists at Risk

This lawsuit is part of a broader trend where creatives, including writers and artists, are fighting back against unauthorized use of their work to train AI models. These models, in turn, could compete with the very creators whose work they are built upon.

Growing Wave of Lawsuits

The legal action against Lovo adds to the growing number of lawsuits aimed at tech companies for exploiting creative content without permission. These lawsuits are crucial in setting precedents for how AI voice technologies should respect intellectual property rights.

Lovo’s Defense and Industry Response

Lovo’s Silence

As of now, Lovo has not responded to the lawsuit. Their silence raises questions about their practices and the validity of the claims made by Lehrman and Sage.

Industry Reactions

The creative industry is watching this case closely. Many voice actors, writers, and artists are voicing their support for Lehrman and Sage, hoping for a favorable outcome that would protect their rights in the digital age.

The Future of AI voice and Creative Rights

Need for Clear Regulations

This case underscores the urgent need for clear regulations governing the use of AI in creative fields. Legislators and industry leaders must work together to ensure that AI Voice technologies are used ethically and legally.

Empowering Creatives

Empowering creatives with the tools and knowledge to protect their work is crucial. As AI continues to evolve, so must the strategies to safeguard the intellectual property and rights of those who contribute to these advancements.


The lawsuit filed by Paul Skye Lehrman and Linnea Sage against Lovo is a landmark case in the ongoing struggle to protect creative rights in the age of AI. It highlights the ethical and legal challenges posed by AI Voice technologies and underscores the need for robust protections for creatives. As this case unfolds, it will undoubtedly set important precedents for the future of AI and intellectual property rights.


1. What is the main issue in the lawsuit against Lovo?

The lawsuit alleges that Lovo used voice samples from Paul Skye Lehrman and Linnea Sage without proper consent to create AI-generated voices, which were then sold or used for other purposes.

2. Why is this lawsuit significant for the creative industry?

This case highlights the potential for AI technologies to infringe on intellectual property rights and the need for legal protections to safeguard creatives’ work.

3. What are Lehrman and Sage seeking in their lawsuit?

They are seeking over $5 million in damages and a court order to stop Lovo from using their voices without authorization.

4. How has Lovo responded to the allegations?

Lovo has not yet responded to the lawsuit, raising questions about their practices and the legitimacy of the claims.

5. What broader impact could this lawsuit have?

The lawsuit could set important legal precedents for how AI technologies must respect intellectual property rights and could lead to stricter regulations and ethical standards in the industry.

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